Journal of Clinical Medicine Current Research

Journal of Clinical Medicine Current Research


Journal of Clinical Medicine: Current Research

Becoming a Special Issue Guest Editor

If you would like to run your own Special Issue, the following resources will guide you through the process, from assembling your Guest Editor team and writing your proposal, through to advertising your Call for Papers and managing submissions, to celebrating your published Issue.

Special Issue Guidelines:

We encourage the submission of proposals for special issues that will be path breaking and exciting for our international readership.

The normal size of special issues is a minimum of 5, maximum of 15.

We strongly encourage a diversity of authorship—especially in terms of country of authors (i.e. not all authors should be from the same country or region).

Selection of Topics and Coining Titles for Special Issues

  • Selection of topics is very important in releasing special issues

  • Topics may be selected considering the research interest of editors

  • Selection of cutting-edge research topics may increase the number of papers towards the special issue

  • Managing Editors should coin the special issue titles and send them to editors for confirmation

  • Managing Editors may also take suggestions from the Journal Editors for coining special issue titles

Contact Editors for Special Issue Confirmation

Managing Editors should send the special issue topics/titles to the Journal Editor.

Managing Editors may send the complete list of titles to

Editors should be informed about the deadlines such as due date for submission of manuscripts and tentative publication date

  • Minimum one editor approval/confirmation is required to start a special issue

  • Two or three co-editors can be appointed for a special issue to increase the number of papers and also for rapid peer-review

  • Editors should be informed about the special issue benefits being provided by the publisher

  • Special issue Theme/Scope: Editors should be requested to write a short theme of about 200-500 words describing the importance of the respective special issue and the topics to be focused or considered for publication in that special issue

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